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Gyl Kasewurm photo.JPG
D'Anne is an excellent speaker.  Her message is engaging, motivating, thought provoking, and behavior changing. D'Anne motivates people to stop and think and to apply her principles for positive change in their lives.

Gyl Kasewurm, AuD

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“I was a social media neophyte until I heard D’Anne present.  Dr. Rudden is a captivating speaker who motivated me to take control of this medium and use it to positively market myself and my business.  Her style is engaging yet thought provoking. Her content and delivery are direct and behavior changing. What I learned from her now impacts me every day. I would sign up for any of her offerings in a heartbeat.”

Kim Cavitt, Au.D.

Owner, Audiology Resources, Inc.

Past President, Academy of Doctors of Audiology

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D’Anne is a consummate professional, mastering elements of storytelling with her messaging to draw the audience to the edge of their seats.  I have watched her presentations evolve over a number of years, and all I can say is “Wow!”

Dave Fabry, Ph.D.
Chief Innovation Officer;
Editor in Chief Audiology Today

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D'Anne is an engaging individual who is masterful in connecting with an audience by sharing her experiences. You feel like you are listening to a good friend tell a story with an actionable take-away lesson. What stands out the most is the level of generosity in which she shares information. D'Anne offers everything she knows with the sincere intention for her audience to go out there and succeed. She is so uplifting and inspirational! 

A.U. Bankaitis, Ph.D.

Vice President, Oaktree Products, Inc.

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Dr. Rudden engages her audience from the first words she speaks to the last! Her professional topics support business growth yet the core of her message inspires us to connect with and operate from our heart-centered values to make a difference in the world through our work. It is a treat to attend one of D’Anne’s presentations!

Dana DeFreece RN, BSN

Owner of Doctor Connections, LLC

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To hear D'Anne speak in ANY situation is a moving experience...and can be transformative. She combines her skills as a yogi, marketing and social media strategist, audiologist and heart based person to totally connect with her audience. Her explanations and teachings are clear, focused , and educational on every level. Any organization would be gifted to have her speak, evaluate their social media tactics, provide social media explanations on a very understandable level, and create a team "vibration" that can be unstoppable. I am blessed to know her and call her my friend.

Sandi Young

Business Consultant & Philanthropist

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